The Los Angeles Convention – This Weekend (March 26-28, 2010)

 Creation Entertainment's Salute to Supernatural will be held this weekend, Friday-Sunday, March 26-28, 2010 at Marriott Los Angeles Airport, 5855 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, California, USA.

Scheduled to attend the event are Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, Travis Wester (Harry Spangler), A.J. Buckley (Ed Zeddmore), Richard Speight Jr. (The Trickster/Gabriel), Rob Benedict (Chuck Shurley), Kurt Fuller (Zachariah) and Mark Pellegrino (Nick/Lucifer).

Rob Benedict's band, Louden Swain, will perform Friday, March 26 at 9:30PM.

Jake Abel (Adam Milligan) will not be able to attend the convention due to him filming on a television series.

Source: Creation Entertainment.

For reports, videos and photos, please check Supernatural-wiki, here.

Disclaimer: and are in no way connected to the convention.