For fifteen seasons, Supernatural captivated fans across the country with the story of Sam and Dean Winchester, monster hunters extraordinaire, as they battled demons, ghosts, and other supernatural beings. Over the course of those fifteen seasons, the show’s cast and crew formed a deep bond, becoming a family in their own right.
To honor the conclusion of the show that meant so much to them, the show’s creators produced a very special gift for cast and crew members alike: a book of photography covering the show’s complete 327-episode run. Now, for the first time, this completely unique celebration of the show’s astonishing achievements is being shared with devoted fans.
With only a limited number available, this once-in-a-lifetime collector’s item features never-before-seen photography, allowing fans to experience Supernatural through the rare lens of the people who made it. With contributions from Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, producer Robert Singer, and an introduction from writer Eric Kripke– this limited edition book is the ultimate gift for Supernatural fans everywhere.
The new book is available for preorder now, exclusively on You can find the preorder page here: