Spoiler for My Heart Will Go On

From InsideTV:

 Hi Sandra, I am a BIG fan of both Glee and Supernatural, and I love reading your recaps and spoilers! That being said, I have been praying to our dear lord Grilled Cheesus for news that Supernatural will be renewed for a seventh season. Any chance for some savorySupernatural news? If none is available, I’ll take some tasty Glee tidbits!  -Jackie

Unless a certain network is looking for a fight, I’m guessing Supernatural is well on its way to renewal. I say that as a fan, of course. And as a warning [cracks knuckles]. On the matter of scoop, I’ll take Supernatural for $400. You know the alternate Titanic-twisted world I mentioned last week? Here’s one change you didn’t see coming in the alt-verse: Bobby’s salvage business has a different name — B & E Scrap Yard. This fact is more important than you think.