American Ghost Towns and the Anti-Apocalyptic Road Trip of Supernatural

"At first glance the television series Supernatural, soon to begin its sixth season on the CW network, is little more than a ridiculously transparent male fantasy about non-commitment, adventure, and violent confrontation in the form of fisticuffs and gunplay. Its subject, after all, is two young brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, endlessly road-tripping down the highways and byways of (mostly) middle America accompanied by a classic rock soundtrack as they search for danger and the chance to play the hero, most especially for the beautiful women who inhabit the places in which they find themselves. And the danger they seek out and confront, encounter and attempt to eradicate? It comes in the form of poltergeists, witches, demons, tricksters, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and so on—pretty much the whole panoply of supernatural creatures that have stalked the darklands of the human imagination from time immemorial."

Click here to read the rest of the article.  Warning, this article is not always very complimentary towards the show.