Traci Dinwiddie on Brittany Murphy

Traci Dinwiddie (Pamela Barnes) shared her memories on working with actress Brittany Murphy, who has passed away on Sunday, at the age of 32.

Spontaneous bursts into song also standout in actress Traci Dinwiddie's memory when she thinks of working with Murphy on the “Summer Catch” set. On one particular occasion, Dinwiddie said, cameras could not roll until Murphy finished the last note of a soulful rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

Dinwiddie, a former Wilmington resident, acted in a bar scene with Murphy, Freddie Prinze Jr., Jessica Biel and Matthew Lillard. She described Murphy as a “good, sweet-hearted girl,” and said she was very saddened to hear about her death.

“I mean this in such a good-natured way – she was a fabulous pain in the butt. She was quite a vivacious, wild spirit,” Dinwiddie said. “She tore up the dance floor with a couple of the cast members at one of the wrap parties… My jaw dropped she was so rippin' good.”
