Australia convention DVD – Temporarily out of stock

From The Hub Productions:

"Update: The Supernatural DVD is temporarily out of stock. Emphasis on temporarily. A full third of the DVDs we received from the manufacturer were damaged (cases or DVDs). We're working to get those replaced as soon as possible, and once they are, we'll be able to fill any outstanding orders, then make them available for new orders. We still have a few last DVDs going out at the moment, so if you've been waiting on your order for a while, don't worry just yet. We will be filling the older orders first from our good stock, then any left will be filled with the new stock as soon as it's received."

All Hell Breaks Loose convention was held Saturday-Sunday, 18-19 April, 2009 at Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW Campus, High St., Kensington, NSW, Australia.