Keith R.A. DeCandido receives the Grandmaster Award

Keith R.A. DeCandido, author of Supernatural: Nevermore and Supernatural: Bone Key, will receive the Grandmaster Award, recognizing a writer for his or her extensive and exceptional work in the tie-in field.

From IAMTW Blog: "The highest honor the IAMTW can bestow is the Grandmaster Award, which recognizes a writer for his or her extensive and exceptional work in the tie-in field. This year's honoree is KEITH R.A. DeCANDIDO. He has written over thirty novels, most of them original tie-ins or novelizations. His work includes many Star Trek novels, as well as original books in the CSI: NY and Supernatural tie-in series, to name just a few."

The Third Annual Scribes will be awarded at a special ceremony at Comic-Con in San Diego July 23-29. (Specific date and time to be announced)

Source: Keith R.A. DeCandido LiveJournal, IAMTW Blog.