BuddyTV’s 100 Best Episodes of 2008

BuddyTV are counting down their 100 Best Episodes of Television for 2008:

#44 “No Rest for the Wicked,” Supernatural

The most extraordinary thing about this season 3 finale was that it ended exactly how the show promised it would: with Dean being sent to Hell. The whole season led up to that moment, and while most fans assumed Dean would escape, the final image of everyone’s favorite Winchester stuck in Hell screaming for his brother left viewers waiting for an excruciatingly long time.

#34 “Jus in Bello,” Supernatural

The Winchesters were trapped in an police station in this action-packed episode that introduced Lilith, the frightening little girl who was actually leading a demon army against Sam.


#14 “In the Beginning,” Supernatural

We thought we knew most of the Winchester family mythology, then came this episode that totally rewrote the book as Dean traveled back in time to learn his mother was a hunter and she made the deal with the YED that led to her eventual death. It was clever and a little disturbing as Dean ogled his own mom, but the show’s mythology was forever changed for the better.

#7 “Lazarus Rising,” Supernatural

The season 4 premiere introduced angels and had a haunting opening scene that featured no dialogue for about 10 minutes. But strangely enough, the reason I absolutely loved this episode was the opening montage that summarized the first three seasons while AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” played. There is no show on TV that can get a viewer that pumped up for an episode.

#1 “Mystery Spot,” Supernatural

The reason this was the absolute best episode of 2008 is simple: it had everything. It was funny, emotional, dark, complex, clever, and everything else that makes Supernatural a genuinely brilliant show. People who don’t watch it might assume that because it’s a genre show on the CW that it’s just another show for teens, but they’re incredibly wrong. This episode had Sam Winchester reliving one day over and over like in the movie Groundhog Day. Every day he saw his brother die in increasingly comedic ways, until they escape the time loop and Sam sees Dean die yet again. The episode shifted tone and went down a dark path that foreshadowed Sam’s downfall. Quite simply, there was no other episode on television in 2008 that had this much comedy, drama, horror, suspense, emotion and cleverness.


Note: The January 8 'BuddyTV's 100 Best Episodes of 2008' was updated on January 13.