Televised Glory Awaits!

BuddyTV has a feature on the upcoming TV season, with a few words to Supernatural fans:

"Before returning to momentary hibernation mode as January of 2009 sneaks into existence, I want to talk about Supernatural. BuddyTV users – you effing love Supernatural. It's a crazy kind of love, though I'm often wary of such serious attachment. Love is fleeting, and you can't enjoy a great sandwich without eventually finishing it. But, I respect you, Supernatural fans. You are enjoying the hell out of this sandwich. Truth be told, I've never gotten into Supernatural. But, as a gesture to the most vocal and rabid fan base on this here website, I am going to give it a go come the new year. I will watch and revel in the brotherly Winchester duo as they brood and kill things. Perhaps I will find a new favorite program in the process. Whatever negative connotations I may have placed on Supernatural in the past, I will shed myself of them before turning the channel to The CW. This is my vow, and one I mean to keep."

Don't forget to vote for Supernatural on the 'What show are you most looking forward to in 2009?' poll at the bottom of the feature.

Source: BuddyTV.