BuddyTV’s Top 8 of ’08: John Kubicek’s Best Shows of the Year

BuddyTV television critic John Kubicek made his picks for the Eight Best Shows of 2008:

#2 Supernatural

Supernatural can be hysterically funny, deeply emotional, horrifyingly scary, and anything else it wants to be. When looking back at 2008, you only need to look at the wide range of brilliant episodes Supernatural gave us. There were funny ones like "Ghostfacers" and "Monster Movie," action-packed ones like "Jus in Bello," and revelatory ones like "Lazarus Rising" and "In the Beginning." In addition, the introduction of religion when an angel brought Dean Winchester out of Hell was a stroke of genius that added even more weight and relevance to the show's adventures.

The Best Part: There were many great episodes, but none was better than last spring's "Mystery Spot." Starting as an homage to the movie Groundhog Day, Sam relived the day his brother Dean died over and over again to hilarious results. Then the show took a darker direction by showing us an alternate future where Dean really is dead. It was funny, scary, dramatic and innovative storytelling at its best.

Source: Supernatural.tv.