Responses to Jensen Ackles’ “Eye of the Tiger”

From TVbytheNumbers: "Last night’s Supernatural was another that wasn’t among my favorites. And no iPod product placements. But I was very glad I stayed to the end for the special full lip-sync of Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger by Jensen Ackles clip, which cracked me up."

From "6. Thursday's Best Survivor: No, not the crusty CBS series, but Supernatural cutie Jensen Ackles' impromptu take on "Eye of the Tiger," as teased here on and shown on the CW in its glorious, air-guitaring entirety after this week's episode. Just when you couldn't love the boys any more…."

From BuddyTV: "The episode almost seemed like an early Christmas gift for Jensen's fans, especially with this unforgettable outtake tacked on at the end: […] Just try getting "Eye of the Tiger" out of your head after watching that."

From IGN: "The little gift to fans after the episode of Jensen Ackles lip synching "Eye of the Tiger" was a fun surprise. And just a week after seeing him in lederhosen too! Christmas has come early this year."

From iFmagazine: "But what sealed the deal was the priceless bit with Ackles spouting karaoke to “Eye of the Tiger” at the end of the episode that was completely and awesomely random. Just further proof that this show is just out to entertain its audience regardless of how silly or ridiculous they have to get."

To watch the clip on, click here.