Misha Collins at the 3rd ‘Asylum’ Convention

November 5, 2008

Misha Collins (Castiel) is scheduled to attend Rogue Events' 3rd Asylum convention, to be held 29th-31st May, 2009 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK.

As was already announced, Gabriel Tigerman (Andrew "Andy" Gallagher), Samantha Smith (Mary Winchester), Fredric Lehne (The Yellow-Eyed Demon), Richard Speight Jr. (The Trickster), Amy Gumenick (Young Mary Winchester) and Charles Malik Whitfield (FBI Agent Victor Henricksen) are also scheduled to attend the event.

Source: Rogue Events.

Disclaimer: WinchesterBros.com and MediaBlvd.com are in no way connected to the event.Read More

Rating news for ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester’ – Update

November 5, 2008

From The Hollywood Reporter: "The CW was up 18% in its target demographic of women 18-34 compared with the same week last year, with Monday's "Gossip Girl" (3.1 million, 1.6/4) improving and Thursday's "Supernatural" (3.6 million, 1.5/4) scoring its best rating since its premiere. Sunday's block programd by MRC, though, continued to be a drag on the ticket, averaging 750,000 viewers and a 0.2 rating."… Read More

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