What Is and What Never Should Be Review

May 8, 2007

By John Keegan

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One of the staples of the genre is the “alternate reality” plot device. Characters are shown a version of reality that might have been, had different decisions been made. In many cases, this is just a chance for the writers to play; the events reveal little about the characters at the center of the experience. In other cases, the experiences are tailored directly to the characters, and the plot device is a means of exploring psychological and emotional issues in depth.
“Supernatural” has always placed character first, and so it’s no surprise that the more difficult path is taken in this episode. Dean runs into a D’Jinn, a being that feeds on the blood of victims, who are trapped within a fantasy world within their own mind. This is an interesting twist on the “genie” concept, and one that avoids the messiness of an entity able to affect reality on a massive scale. (“Tall Tales” worked on a similar principle.) One would expect that the fantasy world would be nearly perfect, drawing the victim into a sense of contentment and happiness so profound that escape is never an option.
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