Supernatural fans’ loyalty and commitment

September 18, 2008

The Q Scores Company revealed information on prime-time series fans' emotional connection.

"Another example is The CW’s “Supernatural;” a low Nielsen-rated show that has established a very strong commitment among its 18-49 year old viewership. The above-average IQ Indexes for this show indicates a cost-effective advertising environment and an excellent reason for bringing this show back. "

Source: Business Wire.Read More

Lazarus Rising Review

September 17, 2008

By John Keegan

Visit The Shrine of Entil'zha for an archive of John's TV Review archives!
“Supernatural” has been one of the most consistently entertaining genre series on the air in recent years, ranking with “Lost” and “Battlestar Galactica”. There’s a common thread running through all these top-tier shows: emphasis on character. “Supernatural” is not about the monsters and the demons; it’s about the Brothers Winchester.
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Lazarus Rising

September 17, 2008
  • You Shook Me All Night Long –  AC/DC
  • In the Shadow of the Valley
  •  Fight Song  – The Republic Tigers
  • Vision – Jason Manns
  • Wrapped Around Your Finger – Martyn Laight
  • I'm So Blue – Martyn Laight & Katie Thompson
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Lazarus Rising

September 17, 2008

It’s four months later and Dean (Jensen Ackles) wakes in a pine box.He’s been freed from Hell. He has a joyful reunion with Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Bobby (Jim Beaver), but it isn’t long before the three wonder what exactly pulled Dean from Hell and what it will want in return.… Read More

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