Heaven and Hell Review

November 20, 2008

By John Keegan

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The previous episode challenged a number of sensibilities. I can’t imagine that this episode will be any different. My only true regret is that some fans may end up tossing the remote and taking the show off their “must watch” list before taking the time to consider what the writers were trying to do. As blasphemous as some of the concepts might appear to be, this is nothing more than another attempt to take a very broad concept and apply it to the “Supernatural” universe.

I will be honest and say that I cringed when Anna was revealed as a fallen angel, especially when she gave Dean her long list of reasons for wanting to become human. I’m sure the notion of angels having to take the existence of God on faith was incredibly galling to those of far more devout belief. Nor was it particularly thrilling, I imagine, for Anna to describe angels as cold and unfeeling, utterly rigid in their thinking.

For all that, however, I can’t help but notice that these comments were coming from a fallen angel. In other words, not an angel who was still part of the flock, but one that had fallen from grace on more than one level.

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