Info on Eric Kripke’s role in Supernatural’s 7th season

August 3, 2011

From TVLine:


Question: First off, I have the need to let you know exactly how much I loved and appreciated Team TVLine’s hard work at Comic-Con. I loved every scoop, spoiler, video interview, etc. Thanks again for a job excellently done. Now on to more pressing matters: Do you have any idea what Eric Kripke’s involvement with Supernatural will be this season? I do remember reading that he’s still on board as an exec producer, but from all the scoop that came out of Comic-Con I didn’t hear him mentioned once. Is he still on board writing, directing, consulting or anything at all, or has he moved on from the show completely? —Alexandra

Ausiello: He remains involved, but not to the extent he was last season. “Eric was in the room full-time when we were conceiving this season’s mythology,” current showrunner Sera Gamble tells me, “and he continues to consult part-time.” A source adds that there are no current plans for Kripke to write or direct any episodes this season. (Thanks for the Con props! It was all me an amazing group effort.)… Read More

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